The Best Coding Languages to Learn for Beginners 

Our theme for this year’s National Coding Week has been Artificial Intelligence (AI), so we thought we’d ask an AI system to “advise us” on the best coding languages to learn for beginners. This is what it wrote: Coding is an invaluable skill in today’s digital world, and it’s never too late to start learning. […]

Our theme for this year’s National Coding Week has been Artificial Intelligence (AI), so we thought we’d ask an AI system to “advise us” on the best coding languages to learn for beginners. This is what it wrote: Coding is an invaluable skill in today’s digital world, and it’s never too late to start learning. […]

Five Ways to Learn How to Write Computer Code

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, learning how to write computer code has become an essential skill. Whether you aspire to become a professional software developer or simply want to enhance your problem-solving abilities, coding offers a gateway to innovation and creativity. While the prospect of diving into the world of programming might seem daunting, […]

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, learning how to write computer code has become an essential skill. Whether you aspire to become a professional software developer or simply want to enhance your problem-solving abilities, coding offers a gateway to innovation and creativity. While the prospect of diving into the world of programming might seem daunting, […]

Unveiling the Benefits: Why Adults Should Learn to Code

In today’s digitally driven world, the ability to code is not just a skill reserved for the tech-savvy youth. The notion that coding is exclusively for the younger generation is a misconception that overlooks the tremendous benefits adults can reap from learning this valuable skill. From enhancing cognitive abilities to opening up new career avenues, […]

In today’s digitally driven world, the ability to code is not just a skill reserved for the tech-savvy youth. The notion that coding is exclusively for the younger generation is a misconception that overlooks the tremendous benefits adults can reap from learning this valuable skill. From enhancing cognitive abilities to opening up new career avenues, […]

Tomorrow’s Job Market: Essential Digital Skills for the Future

As the world hurtles towards an era defined by technology and connectivity, the landscape of employment is undergoing a profound transformation. The rise of automation, artificial intelligence, and digitalisation is reshaping industries, creating a demand for a new set of skills that go beyond traditional competencies. In this rapidly evolving job market, it’s imperative to […]

As the world hurtles towards an era defined by technology and connectivity, the landscape of employment is undergoing a profound transformation. The rise of automation, artificial intelligence, and digitalisation is reshaping industries, creating a demand for a new set of skills that go beyond traditional competencies. In this rapidly evolving job market, it’s imperative to […]

A Decade of Empowerment: How National Coding Week Became a Force for Good

Over the past decade, National Coding Week has emerged as a transformative force in the world of education and technology. Founded with the vision of demystifying the art of coding and making digital skills accessible to all, this annual event has catalysed a movement that empowers individuals, fosters inclusivity, and opens doors to new opportunities. […]

Over the past decade, National Coding Week has emerged as a transformative force in the world of education and technology. Founded with the vision of demystifying the art of coding and making digital skills accessible to all, this annual event has catalysed a movement that empowers individuals, fosters inclusivity, and opens doors to new opportunities. […]

National Coding Week Fitness and Code Challenge

W/C 14th September 2020 It’s National Coding Week! That special week of the year where we challenge ourselves to learn new digital skills. In previous years we have encouraged volunteers to hold events and help to develop the skills within their local communities but with COVID all this has changed. As many businesses have had […]

W/C 14th September 2020 It’s National Coding Week! That special week of the year where we challenge ourselves to learn new digital skills. In previous years we have encouraged volunteers to hold events and help to develop the skills within their local communities but with COVID all this has changed. As many businesses have had […]

Against All The Odds  –  Jonathan’s Story

School wasn’t for me   To say that Jonathan was a ‘difficult student’ would be the understatement of the year. At least, that’s what his former teachers might say. The 23-year-old looks back at his schooldays with a sigh of disappointment and a frustrated shake of his head.   “School didn’t stimulate me — as a consequence […]

School wasn’t for me   To say that Jonathan was a ‘difficult student’ would be the understatement of the year. At least, that’s what his former teachers might say. The 23-year-old looks back at his schooldays with a sigh of disappointment and a frustrated shake of his head.   “School didn’t stimulate me — as a consequence […]

Meet Amy – High Priestess of Online Code

Amy Phillips

“Hello!  I’m Amy Phillips – programmer at Media Molecule where I work 2 days a week (plus some work from home). I am also a stay-at-home mum to two kids (3 days a week). Find an awesome employer and it’s possible to do both 🙂   How I got into coding   I kind of accidentally […]

“Hello!  I’m Amy Phillips – programmer at Media Molecule where I work 2 days a week (plus some work from home). I am also a stay-at-home mum to two kids (3 days a week). Find an awesome employer and it’s possible to do both 🙂   How I got into coding   I kind of accidentally […]

Jersey Library – playing its part during National Coding Week

National Coding Week 2017 (18 September – 23 September) will see Jersey Library become a playground for all things digital as we seek to give people opportunities to develop new skills and bring together those who work in the ‘tech sector to share their latest ideas and work. Historically libraries have always sought to support […]

National Coding Week 2017 (18 September – 23 September) will see Jersey Library become a playground for all things digital as we seek to give people opportunities to develop new skills and bring together those who work in the ‘tech sector to share their latest ideas and work. Historically libraries have always sought to support […]

Meet Dr Martin Goodfellow – Coder in Residence Glasgow Libraries

Background   My name is Dr Martin Goodfellow and I’m from Glasgow, Scotland. I currently work as the Coder in Residence at Glasgow Life. My role here is to create a sustainable framework of coding clubs for young people in Glasgow Libraries. The thing that attracted me to computing was the logical thinking and problem […]

Background   My name is Dr Martin Goodfellow and I’m from Glasgow, Scotland. I currently work as the Coder in Residence at Glasgow Life. My role here is to create a sustainable framework of coding clubs for young people in Glasgow Libraries. The thing that attracted me to computing was the logical thinking and problem […]


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