National Coding Week 2024

12th July 2024

Great News – National Coding Week returns 16th September for its 11th year!

National Coding Week is dedicated to inspiring individuals of all ages to learn and embrace coding skills. This year’s event will commence on the 16th of September, with the primary theme centred around Artificial Intelligence (AI). This focus on AI aims to highlight its growing significance in various sectors and underscore the need for a broader understanding and proficiency in this cutting-edge technology.

National Coding Week encourages people to engage with coding, whether they’re complete beginners or seasoned professionals looking to enhance their skills. The week-long event promotes the idea that coding is not just for tech professionals but is a valuable skill that can benefit everyone in their personal and professional lives.

The importance of coding skills in today’s digital age cannot be overstated. Whether it’s developing apps, designing websites, analysing data, or automating tasks, coding is at the heart of many technological innovations. National Coding Week provides an excellent opportunity for individuals to dip their toes into the world of coding and discover the vast possibilities it offers.

We are a very small volunteer-led organisation so we don’t have resources of our own to organise events but we do encourage Schools, Digital Hubs, Businesses, Libraries and Individuals to share their skills and tell their stories. We hope that the week inspires children and adults to learn new digital skills and to become more tech savvy.

X marks the spot

You can share what you are doing or offer careers advice or tips though twitter (or X?!) or instagram – see the links below. (We didn’t have the heart to ditch the twitter bird). You can also use the hashtag #NationalCodingWeek to get our attention!

National Coding Week: 16th September 2024