Cake & Code at Plymouth Libraries

Intro National Coding Week is looking for beacons of good practice; examples of people or organisations who help others gain confidence and skills when learning “all things digital”. We interviewed Laura Norman at Plymouth Libraries to find out more about the amazing work that’s happening there and to find out a little more about her […]

Intro National Coding Week is looking for beacons of good practice; examples of people or organisations who help others gain confidence and skills when learning “all things digital”. We interviewed Laura Norman at Plymouth Libraries to find out more about the amazing work that’s happening there and to find out a little more about her […]

Why Jersey Library Embraces National Coding Week

Background   For Ed Jewell, coding, like any written language, is all about communication – promoting the intricacies of computer programming and digital literacy within the wider community is high on his agenda. The son of an English teacher, Ed took the reins at Jersey Library in 2014 after moving from Guernsey where he had […]

Background   For Ed Jewell, coding, like any written language, is all about communication – promoting the intricacies of computer programming and digital literacy within the wider community is high on his agenda. The son of an English teacher, Ed took the reins at Jersey Library in 2014 after moving from Guernsey where he had […]

Jersey Library – playing its part during National Coding Week

National Coding Week 2017 (18 September – 23 September) will see Jersey Library become a playground for all things digital as we seek to give people opportunities to develop new skills and bring together those who work in the ‘tech sector to share their latest ideas and work. Historically libraries have always sought to support […]

National Coding Week 2017 (18 September – 23 September) will see Jersey Library become a playground for all things digital as we seek to give people opportunities to develop new skills and bring together those who work in the ‘tech sector to share their latest ideas and work. Historically libraries have always sought to support […]

Meet Dr Martin Goodfellow – Coder in Residence Glasgow Libraries

Background   My name is Dr Martin Goodfellow and I’m from Glasgow, Scotland. I currently work as the Coder in Residence at Glasgow Life. My role here is to create a sustainable framework of coding clubs for young people in Glasgow Libraries. The thing that attracted me to computing was the logical thinking and problem […]

Background   My name is Dr Martin Goodfellow and I’m from Glasgow, Scotland. I currently work as the Coder in Residence at Glasgow Life. My role here is to create a sustainable framework of coding clubs for young people in Glasgow Libraries. The thing that attracted me to computing was the logical thinking and problem […]


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